Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Pros and Cons of Sports Energy drinks. #2


Hello Bay Area Footballers!

How are you fueling your workouts? When you head out the door to lead your active life, what beverage gives you that “get up and go”? Caffeine and specialized Workout Drinks often claim to provide you with the power you need to face the day, but what’s the real deal with these popular beverages?


As of late, it seems that energy drinks are all the rage…but should we believe the hype? True, energy drinks can be tasty and give you the energy that you need for your active lifestyle. Many of them also claim to be full of healthy nutrients, such as Vitamin B12 & B6, Niacin, potassium and electrolytes. Certainly one could also argue that anything that helps you work out and lose weight/tone up must be good for your overall health, seeing as obesity and sedentary lifestyles are responsible for a large percentage of health problems in the U.S.

What those energy drinks don’t tell you, however, is that the disadvantages of these beverages far outweigh the benefits. Of course, drinking anything with sugary excess calories can lead to weight gain or at the very least negate the calorie burn from your workout, but even the diet versions have their issues, such as:

-High blood pressure
-Sleep disturbances insomnia
-Mood disturbances
-Heart ailments

Energy drinks might not be the healthiest option for your every day lifestyle. There are, however, other alternatives available…


Here’s the skinny on Gatorade and similar workout-replenishing beverages. For high performance/professionals, it is a decent option because it does replenish electrolytes, potassium, and carbohydrates that are depleted in high intensity, prolonged exercise. However, for the everyday individual, there are some issues to be aware of:

            -Empty calories lead to weight gain/negate workout
-potassium/electrolytes/carbohydrates in a normal athlete/individual are already present in a healthy diet’s nutrients.
-High fructose replenishes carbohydrates but also causes Leptin (the satiety hormone that makes you feel “full”) resistance, thus overall increasing appetite.


Both of these contain limited amounts of caffeine which, when consumed excessively, can lead to the “jitters”, irritability and temporary (short term) increased blood pressure. However, they do also offer a wide range of health benefits when consumed in moderation:
            Decreased risk of:
            -Parkinson’s disease
            -Certain cancers
            -Heart rhythm problems

            GREEN TEA:
            Contains antioxidants that decrease:
            -Free Radicals
            -Blood clots


When it comes down to it, water replenishes your hydration needs and a healthy diet full of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains should fulfill all of your nutritional requirements. A daily multivitamin can also help fill in any nutritional gaps you might be concerned about. The side effects of moderate caffeine and work out drinks might not necessarily lead to health issues, but first and foremost it is important to recognize that water and a healthy diet are critical to your fitness lifestyle, regardless of what you choose to supplement your regimen.

Above all, be informed, stay healthy, and stay happy. If you have questions about how to maintain a healthy and active life, come into NEXT LEVEL to learn more about the steps you can take. It’s what we do best!

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