Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ideal food choices for the Modern Era Soccer Athlete


"Quick" and "easy". Those are two words that best describe teenager's approach towards eating nowadays; especially the teenage athletes.  With their jam-packed schedules and raging metabolisms, who has time to think about what to eat? They need food and they need it now!  With a little preparation and guidance, however, eating healthily can be a cinch.  Here are a few ideas for meals and snacks that you can make to keep your athlete in tip-top shape.

  • Breakfast
    • Bowl of high protein/high fiber cereal (ex: 1 serving Kashi GoLean; hot oatmeal), fruit (1/2 cup blueberries, a sliced banana, 1/3 cup raisins), 3/4 cup 1-2% milk, sprinkling of nuts (just a few tbs so you don't overdo the calories!). Put a little cinnamon on top for extra spice and enjoy with a cup of hot coffee or tea.
    • 1 toasted English muffin (whole grain is best) with 1 tbsp butter, 2 slices turkey bacon (blot the grease off!), 1 egg (cooked however you'd like), and 1 slice cheddar cheese for a tasty breakfast sandwich!
    • A smoothie is delicious, healthy, and you can make it the night before for a grab n go treat the next morning! Try one with 1 cup milk, 1 banana, 1 tbs PB, and a scoop of chocolate protein powder, mixed together in the blender, with splenda or a small amount (small!) or sugar or agave syrup to taste. 
  • Lunch:
    • For those athletes who like pizza or pasta for lunch, but are trying to stay lean and fit, try a Lean Cuisine Pizza (they have all kinds and they taste great!) or a healthy veggie lasagna (Amy's Garden Lasagna is delicious and low-cal); frozen meals can be healthy and easy options if there is a microwave at their school! Serve with a piece of fruit, and sliced peppers, celery, carrots, and cherry tomatoes with 2 tbs of low cal dressing to dip in.
    • Make a chicken Caesar salad brown bag lunch; tasty and guilt-free! Buy a small bag of the pre-made grilled chicken slices (available at any grocery store); add 1-2 servings of chicken to unlimited greens and cherry tomatoes, with 1/2 cup croutons, 2 tbs Parmesan cheese, and 2 tbs low-cal Caesar dressing. Serve with a cup of your favorite flavor of yogurt (Greek yogurt is best), and fruit, if desired. 
    • Always a winner: Turkey avocado sandwich.  1 serving sliced turkey with 1/3 avocado, sliced, greens, sliced tomato and onions if desired, served on 2 slices whole wheat bread with Dijon mustard and 2 tsp mayo. Serve with a small bag of baked chips, and 1 serving of trail mix. 
  • Dinner:
    • Make a delicious stir fry in just minutes! Chop up a bunch of your favorite vegetables: carrots, broccoli, snow peas, mushrooms, peppers, onions are all good choices; throw them in a hot pan with 1-2 tbs oil. Add teriyaki, soy sauce, lemon to taste. Throw in shrimp (thawed frozen ones are fine, just make sure that you throw them in sooner if uncooked, or at the last minute if pre-cooked) until they are pinkish orange. Season with garlic powder, pepper, and red pepper flakes; toasted almonds or sesame seeds are also great on top.  Serve with rice on the side. For dessert, try 1 serving (read serving size!) of ice cream with 1 serving whip on top, and hot tea.
    • Going out to eat? Sushi is a filling and healthy option; for a growing teen, 1-2 rolls is usually a good portion depending on their hunger level. Add a miso soup, side salad, and edamame with soy sauce to fill out the meal. 
    • Packing a dinner for before/after their evening workout? There are no real rules for "dinner" food options, so long as you get the nutrition you need! A peanut butter jelly sandwich (2 tbs of each topping!) on whole wheat bread, served with a banana, granola bar, and cup of yogurt is a good meal pre/post workout. It's easily digestible and provides lots of complex carbs to fuel a workout and protein for recovery.  
  • Snacks (depending on activity level, have 1-3 a day)
    • 1 clif bar, piece of fruit
    • 1 serv crackers with 1-2 slices cheese and 1-2 slices ham/turkey
    • apple, carrots, or celery with 1-2 tbs PB for dipping
    • yogurt w/1/2 cup cereal and blueberries
 One of the main things to make sure of is that your fluid levels are adequate for the day. The best way to make sure you are getting the most fluids ( water ) for the day is to drink at least 1/2 your body weight in fluid ounces. Most water bottles are 16.9 fl oz. Therefore,  a 145 lb person would need to consume at least 72.5 fl oz per day. That would be at least 4 and 1/2 bottles for the day or water.No w fluids are wide and vary. My main focus is upon water and water only. Juice is OK. But water has the most in essential minerals to help the student athlete function at their highest competitive level.

Got ?. Email or post on our blog. As the weeks progress, We'll add more information.

Enjoy the beautiful game!!

Coach Abu

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