Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How do you know if your Hydrated? #1


On the left is a chart that will help you to determine your hydration levels based on urine color. Those participating in activities, such as personal training or sports for example, must be especially vigilant in maintaining appropriate hydration levels in order to minimize dehydration in their bodies, which can affect performance in fitness related activities.

The chart is pretty self- explanatory. The lighter your urine the more hydrated you are and the less hydrated you are the darker the urine.

Poorly hydrated people experience one or more of these symptoms:

  • Lightheaded, 
  • Fatigue, 
  • sore muscles, 
  • headaches, 
  • cramping, 
  • blood shot eyes, 
  • dry mouth, 
  • salt crystals on their face, 
  • dull appearance to their skin.
  • nausea,

The rule concerning adequately hydrating your body is to drink 6 - 8 cups (8 oz.) of water a day. Another way to ensure proper hydration is to drink 1/2 your body weight in fluid oz./day Either way of determining your fluid levels is best observed in the bathroom, after voiding. What color is your urine? If you can match it to the chart above you'll get a great idea of how hydrated you are or need to become.

Sometimes the simplest things can make a big difference in how your body operates.

I hope you found value in this information. If you feel it could inform someone else please share. If you have specific questions feel free to respond.


Abu Pigott DC, NSCAA

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